Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Second Screen" Technology

While watching 30 Rock on Comedy Central, I saw an ad for the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Blu-Ray/3D Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy/Laserdisc/VHS combo-pack (they really cover all the bases over at Disney), something actually caught my attention: Disney's recent "Second Screen" special feature. Here's what we've got:


Apparently, you download an app on either your computer or iPad, and can watch special features simultaneously with the film. Initially, I thought that it was a pretty excessive concept (but who does excess better?). I think that Disney is really overestimating the obsessive special feature crazies -- in fact, I don't think those people really exist -- but now they're tapping into something even weirder: the people who not only love them some Tron: Legacy, but literally can not wait one second to watch the bonus features.

I don't associate postmodernism with Disney, but recently, they've been really on the postmodern ball (which is ironically a cube). They're embracing the fact that we're becoming more and more wired in with multiple screens at a time (iPods, cell phones, computers, televisions) and finding a way to capitalize on our single-screen ADD. Gonna be on your laptop while you watch Bambi? You better be scanning our special features while you're at it. Gonna buy Pirates? You better be sure that you have it on each and every format. (Heck, I bought The Lion King 3D Blu-Ray/Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy combo, though I have no intentions of ever using the DVD or Digital Copy, and don't yet have a 3DTV. As Rebekka knows, these guys are good.)

This is all just really odd. I like the innovative nature of it, but I don't think I'll be using it.


1. "Liked" a picture on the Tigers' Facebook page in hopes that it would help their chances tonight.
2. Made sure I spelled Rebekka's name right. (GOT IT!)

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