In a recent interview with Gary Oldman, Jim Gordon from the Batman series, Oldman reveals that there will be an 'ending' to the Nolan trilogy. Nolan has said that this will be his last Batman and Oldman alludes to the fact that the story will tie together in the end even though he didn't reveal much more than that. In his interview, he even goes on to say that the first movie of the trilogy will be tied in. He even goes on to say "it is epic." So what do you think is Nolan's ending to the Batman series? He has been known for twists in the past, such as Memento and Inception, so will that be true of The Dark Knight Rises as well? Could Batman possibly die in the end? You tell me...
Here is a link to Gary Oldman's interview :
Click Here!
I don't think they would kill Batman because there is already a "Batman Returns." Unless we called it "Batman Resurrection," we would kill off a brand. Not to mention, with the amount of hype around Nolan's films Hollywood would be silly to doom this superhero. There goes the blockbuster!