Monday, November 14, 2011

The Stomach of the Superhero

I came across an interesting blog post on a topic that is rarely discussed, What do superheros eat?

I find it weird that superheros are on countless cereal boxes and appear in kids meals, yet we never know what they truly like to eat. I'm curious what every one thinks someone like Darkman favorite meal would be.


  1. Reminds me of these couple of pages of I Am An Avenger #2 where the Avengers' butler Jarvis makes everyone food. Found it posted online here:

  2. Considering how burned Darkman's face and hands are, I would assume he would be on a liquid diet, or at least the foods you eat when you sick and easy on the stomach, like Jell-O. I may go as far as to say he likes "dark" chocolate for dessert.
