Monday, November 28, 2011

Lego Super Heroes

I have always been a fan of legos and I am surprised that Batman and Superman are still popular among today's youth. Superman hasn't been very relevant in media lately and Batman cartoons are not being made every year like they were when we kids. Does anyone know what the popular heroes are for kids today are is it still the usual suspects?

1 comment:

  1. First of all, these are awesome lego superheroes!

    I think that the same superheroes are still popular among kids because of marketing more than anything else. I feel like companies are constantly coming out with new Batman and Superman toys and clothes, are directed at kids.
    Only the recent film versions of superheroes, particularly Batman, are not kid friendly. I remember a woman I used to babysit for telling me about her three year old son wanting to go see Batman Begins because he had all the Batman stuff but she didn't think the movie was really appropriate for three year olds (which is isn't). Where does that leave the little kids?
