Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Justin Bieber Film: Never Say Never

I've been avoiding posting this for a while but whatever. But first I by NO means have Bieber Fever, was dragged to see this film and did not pay a cent for a ticket.

But I thought it was really interesting how the film opened and closed. It started with an apple mail interface, with someone opening up an e-mail from a friend that sent them a link to a youtube video of Bieber as a kid singing. And then a youtube interface watching it. So basically for the beginning I was watching youtube clips in a movie theater and not only that the film was in 3d too (ew and why?). Much of the film concentrated on the fact that much of Justin's fame is attributed to new media, especially youtube and twitter. The film even had a segment where thousands of youtube videos of fans singing his songs are on display at once. The end of the film ended the same way with the same person sending an e-mail to all their friends to check out Bieber's videos. And the weird thing is that I remember getting those videos 5-7 years ago of that one kid who sang to usher.

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