Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wonder Woman's Failed Film Adaptations

I'm not very well-versed in Wonder Woman as a character (I remember seeing some video art installation of her that drove me bonkers), but it seems like she's catching a lot of steam with some really high-caliber filmmakers. Check this article out:

To sum it up, Joss Whedon (writer/director of The Avengers, Serenity, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, creator of Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse) wanted to take a crack at the character in 2007, but it fell through. As the article points out, the synopsis for Whedon's take on the character doesn't seem that interesting, but given his track record, I'm sure it would have been great.

The second half of the article is what has me really excited. Nic Refn (director of Drive, which is pretty much the greatest movie ever made in the history of forever) is interested in taking on the character, and it sounds like it would be a pretty radical superhero film, the same way that Drive was a pretty radical...well, film.

Check it!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I have been thinking for some time that Wonder Woman needs to come back. Only I don't think a reboot of Wonder Woman will be enough. She needs a complete overhaul. Particularly her costume which may be worse than Aquaman's. I realize that superhero costumes are meant to be fantastical but they are also practical. I doubt anyone could see an American flag leotard as a practical wardrobe for saving the world in.

    What I find curious about Wonder Woman is that there are so many failed attempts to create movies/shows about her. There were two failed TV series in the 1970s and another Wonder Woman pilot was turned down by NBC this past season. Any thoughts on why Wonder Woman keeps failing?
